Richard Kalužík
Hand-Lettering Artist and Ilustrator
I am an artist focusing on hand-lettering connected with illustrations near Brno in Czechia, specializing in timeless vintage and retro design, expressing Your uniqueness!
Lettering is an art of drawing letters. I combine lettering with matching illustrations, play with them, “break the rules” and thanks to that is formed design, having soul, telling stories and attracting audience.
Get closer to your customers, be human, witty and inspirational.
What you gain from
lettering artist?
From plain graphic designer lettering artist differs by multiple value and strenght of final design. Usual graphic designer finds a type partly fitting your project and fits it there. Artist draws every line and creates compact design. A human eye recognize a hand behind the graphics which then captures a huge attention and creates a bridge between your goal and your audience.
Original design
Acquire an original product. Every part is done by hand, tailored for you, your needs and mostly your customers. Differentiate yourself from your competition by working with an artist.
Personal approach
I reserve a time just for you and your project. I never work on multiple projects at once. Thanks to that you gain my 100% attention and at the end a design, that will have success.
Timeless products
Hand made product never go out of style. I do not create a graphic design reflecting only current trends. I create design that reflects your values and needs of your customers.
How I work
Research and questions
You get a few questions which will help me ensure that the result will provide value for your project. We determine a scope and find what differs you from your competitors.
2 Concepts
I create on average 10-15 drafts during my procces. I analyse them and pick 2 and those I present to you. These two represent the best solutions for the situation.
Afer your approving of final concep and mine multiple redrawing and modifications, we move towards digitization. It can be either raster or vector form.
Payment and delivery
Each project starts with a deposit payment. After finishing and my prezentation of final artwork, you pay remaining amount and receive all needed files and products.
Showcase of a few works I did in a past. You can see my style and variety of projects I was able to make.
happy customers
What do those who worked with me say?
Shrnuto – doporučuji!
Líbí se mi Richardův postup vytváření loga. Jde vidět, že práci dělá naplno. Je to ten typ člověka se kterým se na nečem domluvíte a platí to. Pokud řekne, že začne v prosinci prvního, tak v prosinci prvního ráno můžete očekávat, že začne pracovat a ozve se vám. Prostě profesionální přístup po všech stránkách… Těším se na další spolupráci
Dle našich představ
V oboru se opravdu orientuje
S Richardem spolupracuji už řadu let na řadě projektů. Co se grafiky týká, zatím jsem neměl možnost spolupracovat s nikým lepším. Richard odvádí svoji práci precizně, vždy v čas a v oboru se opravdu orientuje.