I pursue creaton of graphic design, which I combine with hand-lettering and illustrations, already fifth year. I am helping my clients to differentiate themselves from their competitors. My goal is to produce a product that will make clients stop and do not allow them to take their eyes off it. I express philosophy and goal of company using right colors, fitting illustrations and mainly beautiful letters. This hand-made design is able not only  grip you by  your sight but also hit your heart and feelings.

My focus at the University gave me chance to get information from theory of colors and composition. My designs are functional and atractive thanks that. Of course practice is more important than a plain theory. I have devoted a time every day for one year to draw letters, words or quotes just for my own improvement. It helped me to find out what works, what doesn’t and how to break rules to make an original and authentic piece of artwork. And because I love what I do, even now I am using my free time for training.

I would love to use all experiences I gained for your project and lead it to successful ending with huge added value. You can just fill out my form or use contact below.

Don’t be a Puppet
Break away from your comfort zone
Comfort zone
Explore more
Explore more
Practice makes perfect

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